Hotel Reservations

Over 1,500,000 hotels in 90,000 destinations

  • Quick booking confirmation and simple voucher printin
  • Convenient search, booking, and cancellation of travel services
  • Easy booking management — see booking list, search and find a reservation, and export booking list
  • We offer over 1,500,000 hotels in 90,000 destinations
  • More than 3,000,000 apartments and rooms for any choice
  • Easily increase your revenue through consumption growth with up to 70% discounts

Why choose Etwicket for B2B Hotels reservations?

Rates up to 70% lower

It doesn’t matter if your clients are looking for a romantic getaway, family vacation, business trip, or rush travel without planning ahead, they'll need a hotel. And here ETWICKET will always find the best deals. By using our multifunctional B2B hotel booking platform, you can offer your clients the hotels that suit them at the best prices at any time.

Whether your customers choose a budget hostel, a standard tourist hotel, or a luxury all-inclusive apartment, you will always find it all with ETWICKET. Using our software, you can easily get a description of each hotel, a list of objects, location on the map, and photos. Should you need further assistance, our customer support team will always answer all your questions

You will be informed anytime and anywhere from any computer, smartphone, or any other gadget. Make your search more efficient with our latest technology hotel booking engine with advanced XML and API integration. Our extensive database, lowest priced deals, availability, and immediate confirmation will make your travel website more user-friendly, so you can easily increase your income.

  • Use map search tools with price comparisons
  • Hotel inventory is constantly updated for the relevant options
  • Hotel inventory is constantly updated for the relevant options
  • Distance from/to hotel and points of interest
  • All necessary data about hotels, details, and photo
  • Account reports and markup editing too
  • Cancellation policy and fare breakdown prior to booking finalization
  • Automatic cancellation of uncompleted bookings before deadline
  • Ability to create users and assign roles, configure privacy, set passwords
  • A messaging system is provided for communication with travel agents
  • Booking history

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